We are an expert in ‘Intellectual property rights’, So we understand how to protect and build business assets. Our experts optimise your time and money and ensure you complete protection of your Intellectual Properties while also assisting you for Search, Registration, Renewal and Oppositions.

One-stop destination for

  • Trademark Registration
  • Copyright Registration
  • Design Registration
  • Patent Registration
IndianNexus believes in helping you achieve your business objectives without any type of hassles. We deal in all the matters pertaining to Trademark Registration, Copyright Registration, Design Registration, and Patent Registration.
We are a consortium of leading professionals all over India handling the different aspects of a business. We are a syndicate of experts from all over the entire gamut of business processes and are always there to provide a one-stop solution by supporting you in all required processes to establish a business.
We are specialists in the various facts of requirement of trademarks, designs and copyright laws and practices in India. You can avail hassle-free registration services from us.
  • Thorough Knowledge of the Regulation
  • Experienced professionals
  • Complete Transparency
  • Complete assistance is provided for filing paperwork
  • Optimum charges
  • Quicker processing