Zoology Department Empowers Entrepreneurs with Bee-Keeping Workshop - Indian Nexus
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Zoology Department Empowers Entrepreneurs with Bee-Keeping Workshop

Central University of Kashmir’s Department of Zoology Hosts Workshop to Foster Bee-Keeping Entrepreneurship

In a proactive move to nurture sustainable entrepreneurial ventures, the Department of Zoology at the Central University of Kashmir (CUK) organized an enlightening one-day workshop titled “Bee-keeping for Entrepreneurs.” The event was a part of the IIC 5.0 calendar activities and took place at the serene Science campus Nunar on a Tuesday.

The workshop, which drew eager participants, provided a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to delve into the intricacies of bee-keeping – an age-old practice that is proving to be a promising avenue for economic growth. The welcome address was delivered by Prof. M Yousuf, Dean of the School of Life Science and Head of the Department of Zoology. Prof. Yousuf shed light on the pivotal role of beekeeping entrepreneurship within the Indian context, commending the collaborative efforts of faculty members that ensured the seamless execution of the event.

Dr. Parveen Bano, an esteemed Associate Professor from the Research and Training Centre for Pollinators, Pollinizers, and Pollination Management at SKUAST-K, took the stage as the expert speaker. With profound insights, she expounded on the multifaceted facets of beekeeping – a practice that exudes allure due to its lucrativeness and inherent fascination. Dr. Bano emphasized the compatibility of beekeeping with rural Agri-horticulture-based entrepreneurship, noting that its adoption doesn’t necessitate advanced technology, substantial capital investment, or elaborate infrastructure.

One of the key takeaways from Dr. Bano’s lecture was the integration of beekeeping as an allied activity within the agricultural framework. This symbiotic relationship has the potential to bolster the financial prospects of farming communities while amplifying the overall economy. The significance of beekeeping’s role in generating employment opportunities across rural landscapes was also underscored.

Dr. Bano further illuminated the proactive measures taken by the government to propel the beekeeping industry forward. Not only does the government extend various incentives, but it also provides invaluable marketing support to beekeeping units. The potential for beekeeping to flourish in both the broader Indian context and specifically in the region of Jammu and Kashmir was discussed, shedding light on the industry’s pivotal contribution.

The workshop emerged as a dynamic platform for eager minds to explore the possibilities of beekeeping as a sustainable and lucrative venture. By fostering a deeper understanding of this ancient practice and its modern potential, the Department of Zoology at CUK has paved the way for aspiring entrepreneurs to harness the power of beekeeping while contributing to economic growth, rural development, and environmental preservation. The event not only enlightened participants but also cast a spotlight on the transformative role that beekeeping can play in shaping a prosperous future.

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