Standardization enters engg curriculum as GTU, BIS sign deal - Indian Nexus
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Standardization enters engg curriculum as GTU, BIS sign deal

The MoU between GTU and BIS signed this week states that GTU will introduce topics on standardization to academics. For these, the Bureau will provide all the inputs necessary to create teaching modules about the concept of conformity assessment and standardization.

The Gujarat Technological University’s (GTU) engineering curriculum will include topics on standardization, following an agreement signed with the Bureau of Indian Standards.

The MoU between GTU & BIS signed this week states that “GTU will introduce topics in standardization to academics, for which the Bureau provides all the inputs necessary to create teaching modules relating to the concept of conformity assessment and standardization.

“We need to adhere to standards if we are to compete in the global market. The public is unaware of several. GTU, as part of this MoU with the state technical university for the first time, will develop infrastructure support to research and development relevant to standardization. The Bureau will support research projects that are relevant to standardization,” GTU vice-chancellor Prof Rajul Gajjar said in an interview with The Indian Express.

GTU, in addition to participating in BIS technical committees at the national and international levels, will conduct research and develop standards and conformity assessments.GTU, in addition to participating in BIS technical committees at the national and international levels, will conduct research and develop standards and conformity assessments.

The MoU stipulates that GTU and BIS would also organise joint training programmes and short-term educational programs, investigate the possibilities of setting up an excellence centre in the area of standardisation tests and conformity assessments at GTU, and explore the options of employing GTU professors as consultants as secondment, among other things. The conditions of the MoU state that Prof Rajul Gajjar believes it is time for BIS to face new challenges within the domain of techno-engineering.

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