Promoting Indian Shoe Brands: The Impact of ISI Mark on Domestic Market Share - Indian Nexus
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Promoting Indian Shoe Brands: The Impact of ISI Mark on Domestic Market Share

It’s critical to comprehend how ISI Mark affects local market share for Indian shoe brands. A product that carries the ISI Mark has been certified as meeting Indian Standards by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Though what precisely is ISI? What impact does it have on the market share of Indian shoe companies? Explore now.

What is ISI.

Indian Standards Institution, also known as the Bureau of Indian Standards, is recognised by the initials ISI. When a product complies with Indian Standards, the BIS will certify it with the ISI Mark. The logo is meant to reassure customers that the product satisfies a set of quality requirements.

It’s crucial to comprehend the effect of ISI Mark on local market share when it comes to Indian shoe brands. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has established Indian Standards, and the ISI symbol is quality certification symbol that shows product complies with those standards. But what precisely is the ISI? And how does that impact the market share of Indian shoe companies? Examine now. 

What Exactly Is ISI? 

The Bureau of Indian Standards, sometimes known as ISI or Indian Standards Institution, was founded in 1947. Products meeting Indian Standards are given the ISI Mark, certification mark from the BIS. Customers may be certain that product satisfies quality requirements if they see the mark.

BIS Certificate The BIS Certificate is proof that a product has been tested and certified by the BIS and meets the Indian Standards. This certificate is important for Indian shoe brands because it provides assurance to consumers that their products meet certain quality standards.

Impact on Domestic Market Share

The ISI Mark has a significant impact on the domestic market share of Indian shoe brands. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of quality standards, and the ISI Mark provides assurance that a product meets these standards. Indian shoe brands that obtain an ISI Mark are more likely to gain a larger market share, as consumers are more likely to choose their products over those that do not have the certification.

In conclusion, promoting Indian shoe brands with the ISI Mark is essential for gaining a larger market share and providing assurance to consumers that their products meet certain quality standards. Obtaining a BIS Certificate and an ISI Certification can go a long way in promoting Indian shoe brands and increasing their domestic market share.

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