BIS is requesting input on suggested changes to toy safety regulations. - Indian Nexus
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BIS is requesting input on suggested changes to toy safety regulations.

BIS is requesting input on suggested changes to toy safety regulations.

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has invited feedback from relevant parties in the industry and professionals on suggested modifications to the safety norms for toys.

On Thursday, a memo was disseminated containing a draft of suggested modifications, which encompass updates to standards regarding toys containing chemicals, excluding experimental sets, as well as safety considerations related to mechanical and physical properties. Additionally, the draft proposes a safety standard for phthalate esters present in toys and items intended for children.

Comments on the proposed amendments must be received by March 18, 2024.

You can provide feedback by using this URL:

The changes also include modifications to the types of flammable materials that are not allowed in any toys, rules about how certain toys should resist catching fire when exposed to a small ignition source, and guidelines and procedures for testing toys designed for children of different ages from newborns up to 14 years old.

The BIS stresses that the opinions expressed will be thoroughly examined by the relevant committee, and appropriate measures will be implemented in response to the suggestions provided.

The BIS promotes the involvement of all interested parties to ensure that the regulations for toy safety in India stay strong and in line with the best global practices. This recognizes the significance of working together to ensure the safety and welfare of children who use toys that are being sold.

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