All Your Questions About CDSCO Certification, Answered! - Indian Nexus
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All Your Questions About CDSCO Certification, Answered!


Are you planning to export your medical device to India? If yes, then it’s important to get the CDSCO certification first. In this article, we will answer all your questions related to CDSCO certification.

What is CDSCO certification?

CDSCO stands for Central Drugs Standard Control Organization. It is the regulatory body that oversees the safety, efficacy, and quality of medical devices in India. CDSCO certification is mandatory for any medical device that is intended to be imported or sold in India.

What are the requirements for CDSCO certification?

To obtain CDSCO certification, you need to submit a detailed application with the following requirements:

– Technical documentation of the medical device

– Clinical evaluation report

– Labels and packaging information

– Manufacturing information

– Testing reports from accredited laboratories

– Regulatory approvals from the country of origin

How does the CDSCO certification process work?

The CDSCO certification process involves the following steps:

– Submission of the application and documents to the CDSCO office

– Review of the documents by the CDSCO officials

– Physical inspection of the manufacturing facility by the CDSCO officials

– Review of the testing reports by the CDSCO officials

– Sampling and testing of the medical device by the CDSCO officials

– Granting of the CDSCO certification if the medical device meets the safety and efficacy standards

How long does it take to get CDSCO certification?

The CDSCO certification process can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months to complete. The time frame depends on the complexity of the medical device and the completeness of the submitted documents.

How much does it cost to get CDSCO certification?

The CDSCO certification fees vary depending on the type and complexity of the medical device. The fees range from INR 10,000 to INR 100,000.

What are the benefits of CDSCO certification?

CDSCO certification is necessary to legally sell and distribute medical devices in India. It also assures customers that the medical devices they are using are safe, effective, and of high quality.


CDSCO certification is a crucial step in exporting medical devices to India. It’s important to have a thorough understanding of the requirements and process to ensure a smooth and successful certification experience. We hope that this article has answered all your questions related to CDSCO certification.

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