BEE all set to strengthen its star-rating programmes - Indian Nexus

BEE all set to strengthen its star-rating programmes

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency is providing the tools necessary for a robust market monitoring programme for star labelling to the agencies designated by the state. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is equipping state-designated agencies with the necessary tools for robust market surveillance in order to implement the star labelling programme.

The program assigns a star-rating (1-5 stars) on the basis of energy efficiency. 5 stars indicate the most efficient models.

The initiative is designed to empower consumers and promote energy conservation while contributing to the well-being of the environment. BEE officials say that workshops such as the one scheduled for SDAs from southern states on March 14-15 in Kochi will be crucial in achieving this.

Launched in 2006, this program has changed the game. It informs consumers of the energy-saving capabilities of electrical appliances and equipment. The program awards a star rating to the most energy-efficient models. The program allows consumers to make more informed decisions, saving them money on their electricity bills while also benefiting the environment.

The media advisor for the Southern states reported that BEE Director general Abhay Bakre met with Asok Kumar, deputy DG, Milind Deora and directors Sourab Didi Khndare AS. Gupta, Sameer Pandit, SK. Varma, Samal and Abhishekh Saarma on the future achievements and impact the star labelling program.

The BEE Director General said that since the program’s inception, it has produced remarkable results. The programme has resulted in substantial savings of 109 Billion units of electricity, and a reduction 88 Million tonnes of CO2 by 2019. Impact of the programme continues to increase. The programme has a growing impact.

BEE has encouraged all consumers to choose appliances with a star rating. They will save money and also help protect the environment. The Bureau also stressed the important role that SDAs play in the implementation of programs. The BEE Director General has urged SDAs, to be at the forefront of change, by appointing inspection officers, conducting market monitoring, and promoting awareness among consumers.

BEE has recognized the role of states such as Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in promoting energy efficiency. The Bureau has promised its full support to states and UTs in recognition of the importance of sustainable energies practices, especially with the rise of domestic energy demand.

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