Adoption of OCF’s standard grows with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) recognition - Indian Nexus
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Adoption of OCF’s standard grows with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) recognition

Adoption of OCF’s standard grows with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) recognition

The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) has announced that their Secure IP Device Framework (ISO/IEC 30118) is now an official standard for national use in India. The standard, which was developed through a global collaboration effort, was accredited through BIS. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and demonstrates the commitment by BIS to the Indian government to providing interoperability, trust, and secure communications in the rapidly expanding connected home, smart urban ecosystems.

“We are excited to announce the adoption of the OCF Framework as a national standard in India. We have completed this adoption process following rigorous consultation and analysis,” said Ankur Basal, OCF India Forum member and Convenor of BIS’s LITD27 Working Group. “This recognition from the Indian government reinforces the credibility and reliability of the standard to play a significant role in supporting India’s aspirations for a more digitally connected society to support the wider realization of the Smart City Mission program in India.”

Enhancing IoT interoperability by standardizing

India is working on delivering more than 100 cities that are smart across the nation to tackle issues associated with the rapid growth of urbanization. Smart cities can address wider social issues like transport management as well as healthcare and energy consumption by providing and using more precise and up-to current information that allows all stakeholders from government officials to individuals to make better informed decisions about resources.

The OCF standard has the potential to assist in resolving these issues in India by giving companies with the chance to develop IoT technologies based upon OCF standards, which will ensure compatibility between devices that were designed to be used in smart homes and buildings. The standard will also facilitate cities that are connected to the national grid because it is compatible with standards used in the industry, such as oneM2M and MQTT, which are in use today. The OCF has a variety of pilot projects involving smart traffic management, health green energy, smart lighting currently in development.

“We are pleased that the OCF Framework has been selected as a national standard in India as governments across the globe continue to realize the need to develop open infrastructure supporting smart city and smart home development,” says Brian Bishop, Chair of the OCF. “This announcement showcases the potential for smart device innovation to be driven at a regional level as the OCF standard allows SMEs to create products, providing local governments in India the opportunity to develop new supply chains.”

The opportunity to grow the nation

The capability to utilize Secure IP Device Framework Secure IP Device Framework guarantees that any future Indian IoT solutions and products will be protected by design and suitable to compete in a global market. OCF has taken the initiative to align the standard with major industries and IoT security standards around the globe. This means that Indian developers are able to compile their conformance to IoT security baselines because they have already been met security requirements of standards like the NIST 8529 standard, the CAC2 Conveners ENISA IoTSec UK IoT Requirements, and the ETSI IoT Baseline Requirements by gaining OCF certification.

Open Connectively Foundation and its members ensure that the interoperability required in the Internet of Things exists, to provide seamless, incredible experiences for consumers. OCF Certification Program OCF Certification Program includes conformance tests to ensure secure and secure connectivity. The program also seeks to aid manufacturers in developing items which “just work” with other OCF Certified IoT devices, regardless of their physical form factors operating systems, suppliers or transport options. India’s acceptance of the OCF standard will ensure that clear paths for manufacturers for them to develop adaptable products that can be used at a large scale.

OCF is the largest technical standards development driven by members organisation that works to promote trust, interoperability and secure communications among IP connected IoT gadgets and other services.

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