How to get BIS Certification for Toys - Indian Nexus
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How to get BIS Certification for Toys

Requirements for BIS Certification

If you are a toy manufacturer or owner of a company producing toys, it is essential to understand the requirements for BIS certification. It is a mandatory requirement for all toy manufacturers to get BIS certification before selling their products in India.

To start with, the manufacturing unit must adhere to the safety guidelines that are specified in the guidelines set by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Additionally, the testing laboratories that are used for testing the toys must be approved by the BIS. The manufacturer must submit a sample of the toy for testing by an authorized agency for each product category.

Once the sample has been tested, and it meets the safety standards defined by the BIS, the manufacturer can apply for BIS certification. Once the certification is awarded, the toy must carry the BIS mark which is mandatory.

BIS Certification for Toys

The BIS Certification is a mandatory requirement, especially for toy manufacturers who plan to sell their products in India. BIS has set various safety guidelines that ensure that the toys are safe for children to use. Adhering to these guidelines and getting the BIS mark on the toy packaging builds trust among customers and ensures that you keep their loyal patronage.

The BIS certification is essential, especially in the toy industry that requires strict safety regulations. The certification ensures that the toys are not made from hazardous substances, ensuring the safety of children. Additionally, it ensures that the toys do not have any sharp edges or parts that may cause injury.

BIS Certification Process

The BIS certification process is essential for all toy manufacturers that plan to sell products in India. The process involves the following steps:

1. Sample testing: The manufacturer must submit a sample of the toy that needs certification to an authorized Consultant. The BIS Certification Consultant will test the toy to ensure that it complies with the safety guidelines set by the BIS.

2. Application: Once the toy has passed the sample testing, the manufacturer must submit an application for BIS certification.

3. Audit: The BIS agency will audit the manufacturing unit to ensure that it complies with the safety guidelines set by BIS.

4. Awarding of certification: Once the toy and manufacturing unit have passed the audit and the testing process, the BIS will award the manufacturer with the certification.

5. BIS mark: The toy, after being certified, must carry the BIS mark, which is mandatory.

In conclusion, getting the BIS certification is a mandatory process that must be followed by all toy manufacturers. The certification ensures that the toy is safe for children to use and adheres to strict safety guidelines set by BIS. It builds trust among customers and ensures that the manufacturing unit complies with safety standards set by the government.