New Regulations Prohibit Decorative Lights on Government Vehicles: Violators Face Rs 5000 Fine - Indian Nexus
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New Regulations Prohibit Decorative Lights on Government Vehicles: Violators Face Rs 5000 Fine

In a significant move, the state government has enacted a strict rule imposing a fine of Rs 5000 on individuals found guilty of adorning government vehicles, including those utilized by ministers, with decorative lights. This decision follows a recent directive from the high court, reinforcing the importance of adhering to the law.

The directive categorically declares the use of neon lights, flashing lights, and multi-colored LED lights, among others, as illegal when installed on vehicles. It’s important to note that the installation of LED lights had become common practice, occupying the bumper grill space after the ban on beacon lights for ministers’ vehicles.

Moreover, the new regulations stipulate that any vehicle operating in snow-laden areas, seeking to equip fog lamps, must first secure special authorization from the Regional Transport Offices (RTOs). These fog lamps are to be positioned meticulously to prevent any unwarranted glare from affecting oncoming vehicles.

This decision reflects the government’s commitment to enhancing road safety and reducing potential distractions caused by flashy lights on the roads. By enforcing these measures, the state aims to create a safer driving environment for all citizens.

It remains essential for vehicle owners, especially those operating government and ministerial vehicles, to familiarize themselves with these new rules and to take prompt action to comply with them. The penalty of Rs 5000 for non-compliance underscores the seriousness of these regulations.

As citizens and road users, it’s vital to stay informed and contribute to the collective effort to uphold road safety and adhere to the law.


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